Amazing Self-pickup Offer Extends to May!
Pick up and Drop off Parcels at Authorized Service Points and Exempts from Authorized Service Points Service Charge!
S.F. Express always commits to providing professional express service to fulfill market demands. S.F. Express has more than 300 S.F. Express Authorized Service Points including 7-Eleven and Circle K convenience chain stores, as well as individual stores at Mui Wo on Lantau Island and Lamma Island which enable you to experience the convenient self-pickup and self-drop off service at Outlying Island Areas.
Pick up Your Parcels at S.F. Express Authorized Service Points and Exempt from HKD 10 Authorized Service Points Service Charge
The Amazing Self-pickup Offer for Easter has got an enthusiastic response, we decided to extend the promotion to May! You can pick up the parcels from over 300 S.F. Express Authorized Service Points all over Hong Kong and exempt from HKD 10 S.F. Express Authorized Service Points Service Charge!
For more information, please visit S.F. Express Authorized Service Points or call our Customer Service Hotline at 273 00 273.
1) Offer is applicable for parcels delivery date to S.F. Express Authorized Service Points from 1 May to 4 June 2014
2) Offer only applies to the parcels pickup at S.F. Express Authorized Service Points in Hong Kong