Shipment Protection Plus Service (SPP)

SF Express cordially launch shipment protection plus service, provide you a choice of stronger protection for your shipment.

Shipment Protection Plus Service Details

ProductCross Border
Target Customer All Customers (including Credit Account Customers & Cash Customers)
Payment Method Paid by shipper
Shipment Type Non-document
Service Charge 1% of declared value, rounded to the nearest dollar; With minimum service charge of NTD40
Required Documents Shipment Protection Plus Service User Agreement
Declared ValueOption to use SPP service
NTD 20,000 or below Optional
NTD 20,001~200,000 Optional
Declared Value above NTD200,001
NTD20,000 or below per KG Optional
NTD20,001~40,000 or below per KG Compulsory
1. Including 5% sales tax
2. Currency:NTD

Should you have any queries, please call customer service hotline 0800-088-830.