S.F. Express WeChat

WeChat Official Account: SF_Express-HMT

S.F. Express has launched WeChat! Simply follow our WeChat official account to start the self-service. Information on WeChat is synchronized with S.F. Express official website. Enjoy order placement and shipment tracking at anywhere and anytime, which has never been so manageable! 

Following S.F. Express(HMT) WeChat official account (you may choose one of the following ways)

1. Scan QR Code

Step 1:Open WeChat, click the icon on the top right corner (See red box 1) and then click “Scan QR Code” (See red box 2) in the function list


Step 2:Scan the QR Code for S.F. Express(HMT) WeChat account


Step3:After scanning the QR Code, click “Follow” to follow our account (See red box)


2. Search Our Account

Step 1:Open WeChat, click “Contact List” and click “Add”, then select “Search Account” (See red box)


Step 2:Enter “SF_Express-HMT” and click “Search” (See red box)


Step3:Click “Follow” to start using our WeChat service (See red box)


S.F. Express WeChat Functions

1.    Order Placement

1.1 Open “SF_Express-HMT” WeChat account and press “Order Placement”       to place order immediately (See red box)


1.2 Fill in the shipment information (marked with*) and press “Submit Order”         to place the order. After placing order, you will receive the message about               picking up your shipment by our couriers (See red box)


1.3 Customers can check the shipment status by clicking on “Shipment Order”       (See red box)



1.4 If the shipment is not ready, you can choose “Cancel Order” (See red box).


2.    Check the shipment status

       2.1 Enter the 12-digit waybill number into the text box, which will trigger a real          time status response



2.2 Customers can press “Photos” (See red box) and then select “Take                  Photo” for the barcode on waybill. Then click “Send” (See green box) to                check the shipment status



3.    Address Book Managing

3.1 Manage the address book by clicking on “Address Book” (See red box)


3.2 You can set default contact details of the shipper to prevent repeated                  entering shipper’s information in the next order



1.  Invalid waybill number entry will result in an error message

2.  S.F. Express WeChat service temporarily provides information in Chinese only 

Please contact our "Online Customer Service" or our Services Hotline:0800-088-830