Mainland China Formal entry

Due to China Customs puts severe restrictions on the content of shipment such as quantity, texture, value…etc. Shipment transit time will definitely improved If you have formal entry for your goods import to mainland China

How to charge?
Freight calculation will be based on the price listed in "zone B" and "zone C" of Taiwan's export price list, .
If there is the tariffs derived , the amount will be levied in accordance with the Customs and paid by customer.

Which files need to prepare?

  1. It needs「Entrusted declaration application form」、「Invoice」、「Packing list」、「contract」、「Declarations」、「Export verification form」、「Contract Manual」.
  2. Please provide inspection instructions, if you need to quarantine
  3. The name brands products need to provide the "power of attorney".
    If you have other regulatory conditions, please provide the inspection certificate or export license information.
  4. Involving the Hong Kong re-export certificate, please provide the original to SF to the Customs and Excise Department for customs clearance.

Service Time
Monday ~ Friday 09:00~16:00
For enquiry, please call our service line 0800-088-830