Domestic Transit Time
Time of Shipping
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Estimated Arrival Time


  1. The transit times [as provided herein] are for reference only, these are not guaranteed and do not form part of contract. Actual delivery time may vary as a result of the kind of commodity, declared value, regulations and requirements of governmental authorities at destination or the actual circumstances of the case.  All information provided in S.F. website shall be applicable to the Terms and Conditions as stipulated overleaf the S.F.'s waybill.
  2. Shipment collected from or delivered to Hong Kong's remote areas in S.F. Express network may require an additional business day.
  3. For shipment collected from or delivered to Mainland China which is over 20kg, special arrangement is required during pick up, delivery and hub transfer section. Additional 0.5-1 business day is expected on top of the normal transit time.
  4. Shipment collected from or delivered to Taiwan's remote areas in S.F. Express network may require additional 0.5-2 business day(s).
  5. From September 29, 2014 onwards, due to the recent adjustments in the Mainland China’s customs policies of export of goods, the transit time of part of the shipments exported from Mainland China to Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan and overseas regions will require additional 1 working day or more.

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