Change Payment Mode Service

About the Service

SF provides customer payment method change service before sign-off, including change of waybill, collection of fee, second delivery of package and other services, which is subjected to surcharges.


Service Coverage



Chargeable scenario

Feasible scenario*

Charging Standards

From paid-by-consignee

to paid-by-shipper (in cash)

NTD 100/shipment

From paid-by-consignee

to paid-by-shipper (monthly settlement)

From paid-by-consignee

topaid-by-third party

From paid-by-third party

topaid-by-shipper (monthly settlement)

Frompaid-by-third party

to paid-by-shipper (in cash)

From paid-by-shipper (monthly settlement)

to paid-by-third party

From paid-by-shipper (monthly settlement)

to paid-by-shipper (in cash)


* Other payment terms changes such as from paid-by-shipper to paid-by-consignee are not supported currently.


For details, consult the online customer service representatives or call customer service hotline 0800 088 830.