Happy Reward from International Shipment
Send 3 shipments to get NTD100 International shipment coupon!

Area: Taiwan
Duration: 1.Feb.2015 - 30.Apr.2015

Eligibility: All Customers

1. Customers who send shipment to Singapore, United States , Japan, Malaysia, South Korea, Thailand, Vietnam and Australia are eligible to earn rewards.

No. of Shipment Promotion
3 Shipments S.F. International Shipment coupon of NTD100 (international Shipment only)
* Every 3 waybills can redeem 1 coupon.
* The coupon can only be used for shipment to to Singapore, United States , Japan, Malaysia, South Korea, Thailand, Vietnam, and Australia.
5 Shipments S.F. Express Limited Edition Truck Portable Charger
* Collect and redeem 5 waybills for 1 charger. Chargers are limited to one person (household) per month.
  1. Customers without a monthly account at S.F. Express Taiwan can redeem their waybills by scanning and e-mailing them (together with your name, telephone number and address) to the S.F. International Promotion Team at vip@sf-express.com.
  2. The S.F. International Promotion Team will automatically calculate and distribute rewards to monthly account customers of S.F. Express Taiwan.



  1. The customers have to apply rewards during the promotional period. Copies of international waybills must be emailed to the S.F. Express International Promotion Team at vip@sf-express.com together with the applicants name, telephone number and address. Only international shipment sent between 6 February and 30 April 2015 are eligible; please refer to terms 2 for redemption. Once approved, the appropriate prize will be sent out. All applications made outside of the promotional period will be rejected.
  2. Each person (household) may only make one redemption per month. February waybills must be redeemed before 10 March. March waybills must be redeemed before 10 April, and April waybills must be redeemed before 10 May. Each waybill can only be redeemed once.
  3. Only shipment sent from Taiwan to Singapore, United States, Japan, Malaysia, South Korea, Vietnam, Thailand and Australia that have been completed the payment can be used to redeem “S.F. International Rewards!”
  4. All international shipmments sent from Taiwan via S.F. Express are eligible for the promotion, regardless of whether the shipment is paid by the sender, by a third party or via a monthly account.
  5. Customers without a monthly account at S.F. Express Taiwan must apply to redeem waybills via e-mail; the S.F. Express Promotion Team will automatically tally and distribute rewards to monthly account holders.
  6. Winners will be announced on the 27th of each month in the news section of S.F. Express Taiwan official website: www.sf-express.com .
  7. S.F. Express Taiwan reserves the right to modify the prizes and rewards offered in the promotion at any time. All decisions made by S.F. Express Taiwan regarding any disputes are final.
  8. S.F. Express Taiwan reserves the right to cancel, terminate or modify the promotion in any way should extenuating circumstances make it impossible for the promotion to continue as is. S.F. Express Taiwan accepts no liability for any damages arising from such.
  9. Discounts arising from this promotion may not be used in conjunction with any other discounts.
  10. All personal information provided by you (names, telephone numbers, e-mail addresses etc.) is used to create client history files. This data is then used in statistical surveys and analyses, the provision of express service, advertising, the notification of promotional activities, and other related operations. S.F. Express Taiwan will gather, process and use all personal data submitted by you electronically, on paper or using any other form of technology for the length of time required to fulfill the aforementioned purpose(s). You retain the right to (1) request to check or read your personal information (2) request a copy of your personal information (3) request to modify or add to your personal information (4) request that we stop gathering, processing and using your personal information, or that we delete any personal information we have about you. S.F. Express Taiwan accepts no liability for any damages incurred should you exercise the above mentioned rights.
  11. The content of the Chinese version should take precedence over English version when any discrepancies arise between the Chinese and English versions of the content, conditions and details of this promotion.
  12. S.F. Express Taiwan reserves the right to make the final decision on any matters pertaining to the promotion.